- Chair of Staff Council, Chair Elect of Student Affairs, Assoc Dir for Career Education
- ldehaan@unca.edu
- Ramsey Library
- Program Associate and Chair Elect of Staff Council
- lsellers@unca.edu
- 251-5157
- 141 Karpen Hall
- Associate Director for Student Employment Development; Vice Chair of Communications, Staff Council
- cmarsha3@unca.edu
- 251-6648
- 119 Ramsey Library
- Administrative Assistant, Vice Chair of DEI
- eherzog@unca.edu
- 250-3955
- 205 Zeis Hall
- Athletics Communication Specialist
- jmille26@unca.edu
- 250-2392
- 219 Justice Center
- Associate Director of Admission for Recruitment & Outreach
- kmyrtlep@unca.edu
- Brown Hall
- Maintenance Supervisor
- rwilburn@unca.edu
- 251-6898
- Governors Hall Room 173
- Assistant Director of Athletic Advancement
- apritch2@unca.edu
- 258-7752
- 105 838 Riverside Drive
- Area Director for Governors Hall and The Village
- cgarst@unca.edu
- 250-3861
- 219 Governors Hall